Programmers GuideΒΆ

On this page we will describe everything you need to know to create a fully working video player with rxp_player with audio and video output. For the output parts we refer to the glfw example that you can find in src/examples.

The simplest video player is one that does not have audio output. Therefore we will start with this first and in the next section we describe how you can add audio output too. Although the API is similar for both video with and without audio, for the user there are some big differences.

A global flow of how to use the player is:

Before you can use the player you need to initialize the rxp_player context which manages all memory, video, audio etc.. Call rxp_player_init() with a pointer to a rxp_player struct. All functions of the rxp_player library return zero on sucess, < 0 on error, so make sure to check this.

After you’ve initialized the struct you can open a file by calling rxp_player_open() and pass the context struct and the filepath to the .ogg file you want to play.

To start playing call rxp_player_play(). But by only calling these functions you’re not yet there. You need to tell the rxp_player that you want to receive video frames. For this we use a callback, that should accept a pointer to the player and a rxp_packet.

The rxp_packet holds all the information you need to display a frame. Every time this function is called it means you need to update your screen with the recevied buffers. The rxp_packet has a member img[3] that contains the width, height, stride and video data for each of the video planes. At the time of writing we only support YUV420P video data.

The function below shows a simple example of this:

// player is `rxp_player player`
static int setup_player() {

   if (rxp_player_init(&player) < 0) {
     printf("+ Error: cannot init player.\n");
     return -1;

   if (rxp_player_open(&player, "bunny.ogg") < 0) {
     printf("+ Error: cannot open the ogg file.\n");
     return -2;

   if (rxp_player_play(&player) < 0) {
     printf("+ Error: failed to start playing.\n");
     return -3;

   player.on_video_frame = on_video_frame;
   player.on_event = on_event;

   return 0;

An important aspect you need to implement is the on_event callback where you clear all used memory when the player has finished playing and decoding all frames. The on_event function will be called when certain player or decoder events happen. These events are:

The decoder decoded some audio frames and the players’ members nchannels and samplerate have been set.
The scheduler/player has opened the file and decoded the first couple of frames/seconds and the player is ready to start running. This is when you should start the audio stream when the .ogg file has audio samples. You can check this by testing the number of channels, which should be > 0, when the .ogg file has an audio stream.
Whenever you receive the RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_RESET event it’s time to tear down the player and stop the audio stream if it was running. Call rxp_player_clear() when you receive this event. This event is fired when either you asked the player to stop by using rxp_player_stop() or simply when we’re ready decoding video frames or when the audio buffer hasn’t got any new samples that can be played.

The function below shows an example that implements an event handler, which also start an audio stream using the `cubeb`_ library. Note how we clear the used memory where we receive the RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_RESET event. When you don’t call rxp_player_clear() memory will leak.

static void on_event(rxp_player* p, int event) {

  if (event == RXP_DEC_EVENT_AUDIO_INFO) {
    printf("+ Received RXP_DEC_EVENT_AUDIO_INFO event.\n");
  else if (event == RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_PLAY) {
    printf("+ Received RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_PLAY event.\n");
    if (p->nchannels > 0) {
  else if (event == RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_RESET) {
    printf("+ Received RXP_PLAYER_EVENT_RESET event.\n");

    if (rxp_player_clear(p) < 0) {
      printf("+ Failed clearing the player.\n");

    /* check if this is a repeated call to start the audio stream */
    if (audio_ctx) {
      audio_ctx = NULL;
      audio_stream = NULL;
      printf("+ Cleaned up the audio stream.\n");